Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Dangers of "Fire Safe" Cigarettes

The Dangers of FSC (Fire Standards Compliant) or Fire "Safe" Cigarettes

Call it what you like - RYO (Roll Your Own), MYO (Make Your Own) or SYO (Stuff Your Own), but do yourself a favor and steer clear of FSC (Fire Safe Cigarettes!!!) They are killing you twice as fast!!!

The video below will have you thinking twice
next time you go buy a pack of cigarettes!!

Fire Safe Cigarettes - Or - Smokers as Lab Experiments

Chances are the reason that you landed on this page was to find an alternative to over-taxed, packaged cigarettes that taste like complete garbage and are now worse for you than ever! We can thank to the Gov for stepping in and forcing cigarette manufacturers to make FSC (Fire Standards Compliant) cigarettes. Are "Fire Safe" Cigarettes REALLY for OUR SAFETY??? Hmmm... I DON"T THINK SO!!! Somehow, I don't believe that smoking plastic is "safe" for anyone.

Personally, I strongly feel that there is a hidden agenda as to why they would put Ethylene (plastic) "speed bump" strips, extra ethylene vinyl acetate (more carpet glue as there is more paper) and other highly toxic chemicals into cigarettes, but I don't want to get into detail on the subject at this time. So, I'll present you with some hard-learned facts and you can make your own decision as to why they would want to make Fire "Safe" Cigarettes...

The main motivation behind rolling my own cigarettes came from FSC or ("Fire Safe" Cigarettes). The Gov has completely ruined cigarette smoking as we know it! The taste is awful and they never burn right. Not to mention the heightened health risks. In fact, I believe that they pose more of a fire hazard as the cigarette 'canoes' (burns unevenly) and can even drop hot, semi-burned ashes as a result. I've been burned at least a few times and have dropped hot ashes several times. Additionally, they can sometimes stay lit for at least a couple of minutes and burn-away in the ashtray, but when you're smoking them you have to suck your brains out or they go out; thus posing more of a fire hazard as you need to keep relighting them. Have you ever seen the head of a match fly off the stick when you light it? I have several times.

Studies at Harvard School of Public Health, 2005 have shown that the amount of carbon monoxide output is increased by 11.4 % and 13.9 % more Naphthalene!

How can the FDA approve such a sinister idea in the first place? Will FSCs be recalled as hundreds of other products that have been in the past and continue to be??? You see the lawyer commercials on TV all the time looking to sue the manufacturers of the latest "miracle drug" or weight loss product that is causing serious side effects or even death!

A friend and I had been ordering the same brand of Non Fire safe Cigarettes online for years until one shipment (Our Last Shipment!!) came in the form of the new FSC ("Fire Safe" Cigarettes). We both were extremely let down once we realized that they were in fact Fire "Safe" Cigarettes. We could both taste the difference immediately! Suddenly, the cigs that we were enjoying for years while everyone else was smoking the FSCs were gone forever!

After a few weeks of smoking the few cartons that we had purchased online, we started feeling harsh symptoms. We started to feel sick, had severe dry mouth, sore throat, wheezing, headaches and worst of all, extreme coughing unlike either of us had ever experienced before!!! My cough was so bad for appox. 2-3 weeks that it was keeping my family and I awake at night!!! I smoke about a pack and a half per day and my friend smokes a pack. We have both been smoking light cigarettes for over 23 years and never had experienced any of these symptoms until we started smoking Fire "Safe" Cigarettes. Many other people are coming forward and have stated that they are experiencing similar symptoms.

After choking down hundreds of FSC's we finally had enough! We both decided to purchased cigarette machines and never looked back! We tried several types of cigarette tobacco and also pipe tobacco as recommended by our local Tobacconist. After some experimenting, we finally found the perfect combination of pipe tobacco and cigarette tubes. Thanks to us rolling our own cigarettes, our health is now back to normal and we are once again enjoying fresh and good tasting cigarettes as they used to be and how they should be; only much better!!

Demand A Repeal
On Fire Safe Cigarette Laws!

Sign the Petition and Join the Movement
Let your voice be heard and help remove the Toxic Cigarettes from the shelves!

"Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em!!!"


Unknown said...

Here at SNG Fire, we provide an essential service that will ensure the safety of your Employees, Business Assets and Premises. Since the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 was passed, it is now a legal requirement that all businesses carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of their premises.

Fire Risk Assessors

Blogger said...

Are you paying over $5 for each pack of cigs? I'm buying my cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and I'm saving over 70% on cigs.

Anmol jain said...

I got my first Swisher Sweets Cigarillos at LCWH, and I think its the best Cigarillos.

Anmol jain said...

I got my first tobacco on Littlecigarwarehouse, and I think its the best Smokey Mountain Snuff. on LCWH use linked

Anmol jain said...

LCWH is the best Premier Cigarette Machine provider on the market.